June 2020

10th Jun 2020

Yea, we are flying! Sorry it took so long to certify but it was worth it. Now in the air I was able to reflect back on the project. We accomplished a lot. There was a lot of learning all around. We had 20 kids participate for a total of 2501 hrs and 16 adults mentoring and helping at 3018 hrs. I know a number of kids went on to technical and aerospace related educations. In particular Kylie sent me an e-mail saying she just finished her first year at RIT as an aerospace engineering major. Our chapter and the City garnered lots of praise for the program as well.

The next step is to get the flying club established and actively flying at MMK. In the meantime, I will fly off the remaining few hours, get Dave Rich checked out, then we can start giving rides!

Regarding the meeting, the vast majority of respondents to my query favored a meeting held with appropriate distancing in one of the new T Hangars. If we can find a projector, we will have a short presentation with the talk. We always have poor turn out on Father’s Day, hence the change to the fourth Sunday, the 28th, for better attendance. Let’s hope for some nice weather.

Teens t Flight RV-12 Build Program

Finally Flying

Finally in the air on May 14th!

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June 2020