Being partially retired now and working with new members in the flight club I have
been at the airport a lot lately. The place looks great and there is lots of activity. It is
so nice to see. I can remember the days when it looked pretty dumpy, activity was
low, and there was no sense of community. For those of you who remember take a
good look and tell others about how far we have come!
Unfortunately the pandemic has put a damper on our social interactions. We need to respect the health of others. To that end we will have an outdoor picnic instead of a regular meeting on the 15th. The officers are also strongly considering canceling the annual dinner for the same safety reason. We will be looking for alternative chapter events over the next few months to keep people in touch. If you have any ideas let us know. One other thing, we have over $500 in Young Eagle credits to use by year end. If you have ideas on its use let us know as well.