
Chapter Elections

The November meeting is when we hold elections for Chapter officers. If you're interested in taking on one of these roles, please contact Mark Scott.

Photos from the Fall 2022 Young Eagles rally have been posted on our Facebook page:

Young Eagles - 29 Oct 2022

The weather was perfect and we added 48 Young Eagles to the roster. Thanks to everyone who came and everyone who helped out!

View all of Fall Young Eagles photos posted

I'm sad to report that Tom Poberezny passed away today after a brief illness. He was 75. It was a great honor for me to not only meet him but to work with him for the first 6 years of my time on the board.

View all of Tom Poberezny passes away

AirVenture Shantytown?

24th Jul 2022

Last night's intense thunderstorm, with 60mph winds, did a job on our intrepid adventurers. One tent collapsed and virtually all the others got some amount of water in them. Drying things out the next day certainly gave the place a certain ambiance.

The planes got somewhat wet inside as well but...

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Laurie and Ariana Strand flew the newly painted "Teens to Flight" RV-12 to AirVenture. Here it is in a place of honor in front of the Homebuilders Center with other teen built planes (but we're in front!). Later this week Laurie will fly it in front of the crowds during the Homebuilt Review.

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You may have noticed that the logo in the upper left of our website has changed. That's because we've received news that EAA Chapter 27 has been recognized by the EAA as a SILVER level chapter for the combined 2020 and 2021 years.

This program was developed and measured in partnership with EAA’s C...

View all of Chapter Wins SILVER Status from EAA

On Saturday, March 12th, EAA Chapter 27 hosted a Young Eagles Workshop for youth ages 11-17 at Meriden Markham Airport. Participants attended four different aviation workshops on topics such as the aerodynamics of flight, flight instruments and navigation, metal working, and electrical concepts. F...

View all of Young Eagles Workshop a Great Success!

Lovely Holiday Banquet

9th Jan 2022

26 people attended the 2021 Holiday Banquet at the Manor Inn on Saturday evening. Despite the relatively small turnout it was an enjoyable time and the food was delicious, and plentiful! I suspect most people brought some home. President Mark Scott gave his end-of-year recap and gave out Chapter se...

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