
October meeting

Sarah Tamar, an active seaplane pilot and instructor will be our presenter at the October 20th meeting. She will talk about float flying in NYC, Florida, and the Bahamas, and the unique challenges of urban Northeast bush flying. She has graciously arranged to have her company's Caravan on floats named "Flying Fish" fly in for the meeting. If you have not seen one up close you will be surprised how big it is. The cabin and cockpit will be open for viewing. Don't miss this great opportunity.

January 2020

25th Jan 2020

I hope everyone is recovered from the holidays and back to a comfortable routine. We had a great party at the Manor Inn. Seems like everyone enjoyed the good food and conversation. We held our officers meeting January 11th. We talked about a number of things which we will report on at the next meeti...

View all of January 2020
