
Spring Young Eagles Rally

Plan ahead. Our next Young Eagles Rally will be on Saturday, June 8, 2024 with a rain date of Sunday the 9th. Pre-registration is required and opens on May 7. For more information, click the Young Eagles menu at the top right of this page.

The airport improvement project is coming to a close. The Tilcon company was hired to replace the runway, the taxiway, and all the airport lighting with energy efficient LED lights. They started at the crack of dawn on August 23 immediately following a big storm. They even worked through the hurrica...

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New Young Eagles Banner

18th Sep 2021

We now have a couple banners hanging on the airport fence. One faces the road advertising Young Eagle flights to the community and the other side advertises our Chapter presence to people at the fuel pumps. A lot of pilots do know know there is an EAA chapter at Meriden.

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Donna Shea is taking over as EAA Chapter 27 Young Eagle Coordinator. She's an active Young Eagle pilot and has been a key member of our Ray Scholars team. Her first job is organizing our Spring Young Eagles Rally which will be happening on June 12, 2021 from 9am to 3pm at KMMK.


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Please join us at our virtual meeting this Sunday and hopefully next month we might be able to meet in person. See you there.


Our special guest will be Bill Barry on "Ten Things You Don't Know About NACA"

We found Zoom...

View all of Zoom to our March Meeting

I have, hopefully, successfully, set up a Zoom meeting for our monthly meeting Sunday Feb 21st. We will start at 10:30 am. We will conduct our regular agenda in an abbreviated fashion. I expect that to be about 15 min or so.

Then we will have a presentation from Drew Lyons, the Recreational Avia...

View all of February Meeting Will Be Virtual!

Happy Birthday EAA!

26th Jan 2021

On January 26, 1953, EAA Founder Paul Poberezny called the first official meeting of the Experimental Aircraft Association at Curtiss-Wright Field (now Timmerman) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The group originally gathered together to share ideas and encouragement as amateur aircraft builders. But EAA qu...

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Happy New Year!

31st Dec 2020

Wishing you all the best for 2021!

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