
No July Meeting

Remember, no meeting in July. Go to AirVenture instead!

July 2020

10th Jul 2020

It was nice to see everyone at the meeting June 28th. Attendance was very good. Maybe we should always move our June meeting back one week to miss Father’s Day. Even with hangar door wide open and people widely spaced it still got pretty hot inside, oh well. Maybe fans next time. I was particularly...

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June 2020

10th Jun 2020

Yea, we are flying! Sorry it took so long to certify but it was worth it. Now in the air I was able to reflect back on the project. We accomplished a lot. There was a lot of learning all around. We had 20 kids participate for a total of 2501 hrs and 16 adults mentoring and helping at 3018 hrs. I kno...

View all of June 2020

May 2020

10th May 2020

Hopefully we get back to meetings starting in June. In the mean time I hope you are able to go flying or work on your project more than you did in the past. As you may have heard Air Venture is cancelled this year. There was just too much grounds preparation to be done now that could not be done saf...

View all of May 2020

April 2020

10th Apr 2020

I hope everyone is well and only largely inconvenienced these days. Obviously with the Covid 19 pandemic we have to change our plans like everyone else. The April meeting is canceled. We will see how things look at the end of April before deciding on the May meeting. As part of EAA’s national May 16...

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March 2020

10th Mar 2020

A great milestone was passed on Feb 29th, airplanes were moved into the new T hangars! This is a great accomplishment not only by Wilma and her team but by everyone in the Chapter who makes the airport valuable to the community, an educational experience place for kids, and simply a fun place to be....

View all of March 2020

February 2020

10th Feb 2020

The days are getting longer but it is still cold. If you are not flying much I hope you are getting your plane ready and/or planning trips for later this year. The hangar project is moving along. Be aware planes in hangars and on the ramp will be moving all over the place to accommodate construction...

View all of February 2020

January 2020

25th Jan 2020

I hope everyone is recovered from the holidays and back to a comfortable routine. We had a great party at the Manor Inn. Seems like everyone enjoyed the good food and conversation. We held our officers meeting January 11th. We talked about a number of things which we will report on at the next meeti...

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